How can we help?
Kimber Doll UK warehouse is located in Heathrow, UK. Unlike many other doll companies, all of our stock is warehoused within the UK, which benefits our customers in numerous ways. Because we’re based in the UK, your Kimber Doll arrives from within the country, therefore, there are no added taxes or fees due on import.
Shipping is domestic so we are able to ensure speedy delivery and because Kimber Doll leaves from our own warehouse in Heathrow, we are able to ensure the packaging is 100% discreet. No additional couriers or freight companies will need to handle your Kimber Doll.
UK Fulfilment Centre:
Unit 4 Saxon Way Trading Estate
Saxon Way
Heathrow UB7 0LW
United Kingdom.
Kimber Doll Global Head Office:
PO Box 364,
Southport BC, QLD, 4215,
See other Kimber Doll websites: