Latest Productions

Welcome readers to another KD blog!

In this week’s post, we’ll be updating all who follow our brand on the current productions and stock levels around the world. This post will discuss information that’s current at the time of posting. For the latest updates on which product are in stock, please refer to our newly added stock-level indicator which is the table in the first line of our descriptions.

Kimber Doll and Kimber Doll Mini

This post carries on from another blog posted late last year which discussed our efforts to increase our production to cater for increasing demand. (Increasing Demand) Fast forward several months and we’re still seeing an increase in volume for our Kimber Doll products across our three international markets.

At the time of writing this post, our May ’19 productions have finished being manufactured. Our AU shipment arrived on the 20th of May which, sadly only lasted us seven days before we sold out again. Our UK shipment has (at this time) arrived at the Port of Southampton in the UK and is currently awaiting unpacking to our Heathrow warehouse. Our UK stock is currently 80% sold and reserved to pre-ordering customer. Our USA shipment is also on its way to our Californian warehouse and expected on the 15th of June. 

While we’re still experiencing these growing pains, we’re excited to announce that we are investing largely into bigger-scale productions for our products. We’re aiming that by September 2019, we’ll be able to resupply our warehouses regularly enough to avoid selling out so often.

Our next shipment (due to our warehouses at the end of July), started production just days after our May production finished. This is a good example of just how long each of our productions does actually take. Our products are genuinely hand-made, and each Kimber Doll receives countless hours of careful attention to detail before being completed.

Kimber Doll Factory Photo

While the process of waiting for our shipments to come into stock can be frustrating, we do see a large number of customers eager to purchase while on ‘pre-order.’ For this, we thank you kindly and greatly appreciate your patience and understanding.

As we look forward to our next shipment arriving, any and all updates to each of our online stores will be reflected in the stock-level indicator shown in the first line of each products description.

For any questions regarding our stock availability or your pre-ordered Kimber Doll, please don't hesitate to get in touch with one of our friendly staff and we will be happy to assist you. 

Thank you for reading!

- Kimber Doll Team

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