Kimber in the Kitchen
Hello readers and welcome to this week's blog post where we get to see Kimber frolic around the kitchen in her apartment deciding on what to have for dinner. This can be a lengthy process for our lovely lady which in this instance, we see her feel the need to reduce her clothing in order to choose carefully... We're not complaining!
Skilfully captured as always by the very talented Psion Satori, this photoshoot features a great deal of impressive imagery to enjoy, so take your time scrolling through!
Below you can find the relevant links that you may find of interest.
Psion Satori (Photographer): https://twitter.com/psion_satori
Kimber herself: https://twitter.com/Kimber_Doll
Kimber Doll Official: https://twitter.com/doll_kimber
Feel free to get in touch with us here, or you can view and purchase our lovely Kimber Doll from here: https://kimberdoll.co.uk/products/kimber-doll
As always, thank you for reading!
- Kimber Doll Team.